Cambodia Struggles - Reisverslag uit Khett Siem Reab, Cambodja van Lieke + Suus Gastel - Cambodia Struggles - Reisverslag uit Khett Siem Reab, Cambodja van Lieke + Suus Gastel -

Cambodia Struggles

Door: lieke + Suus

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lieke + Suus

11 Juli 2014 | Cambodja, Khett Siem Reab

On wednesdaynight we went to Kohsan road in Bangkok to get some food and watch the game. After having had the most amazing dinner at the Thai magic food we went to get some drinks at the rooftop bar with some girls we met in our hostel. Great view and amazing live music:) we also made some Thai Dutch fans. Afterwards we went out on the streets again and met some lovely people with whom we partied on the streets and watched the Holland game.... too bad:( after leaving the pub at 5.30 in the morning we had to catch our bus to Siem Reap in Cambodia at 7.30, such a party. Untill the Cambodian boarder the bustrip went smoothly, but to get our visa arranged was one big drama with fake embassies and major corruption. We were told the trip would take 6hrs, but it took us at least 12, most of which we spent waiting.... after another exciting Tuktuk ride we finally arrived at our hostel the garden village --> really nice! Today we went to visit the temples of Angkor Wat, which was pretty amazing and it seemed we were walking around in a jungle book movie, with monkeys and great trees, just so you know mom and dad! We are not sure what we are going to do tomorrow at daytime but on the night we will catch a sleeping bus to Sihanoukville. As we cannot transfer the pictures from the camera to our tablet, I will just add some we made with our phone!

  • 19 Juli 2014 - 00:35


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Verslag uit: Cambodja, Khett Siem Reab

Cambodja Laos en Vietnam


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Lieke + Suus

Rondreis (Thailand) Cambodja, Laos en Vietnam

Actief sinds 07 Juli 2014
Verslag gelezen: 239
Totaal aantal bezoekers 3744

Voorgaande reizen:

07 Juli 2014 - 14 Augustus 2014

Cambodja Laos en Vietnam

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